Willow Cottage NZ Newsletter for December 2021 Hi everyone! Welcome to our first monthly newsletter where you'll find: - Early Summer...

Person A: (sharing their thoughts) "I think I'm going to start collecting dice!" REACTIVE PEOPLE: "What do you want to do that for?"...

HOW TO MAKE A FELTED SOAP using a Willow Cottage NZ Felted Soap Kit
Soap having been felted for about 5 - 10 minutes is ready to put on a rack to dry. Felting a soap is a very fun, easy craft that results...

I started to learn French when I was 19 - self-directed learning but with a correspondence course. However, the way the course was...

Home Education - WHERE do I START?!
Maybe you're researching home education way in advance of your child turning 6, or maybe you've decided (for whatever reason) to take a...

A Good Game & A Little-Known Fact about Learning
We've loved our "Famous People" game for a long time, so I just recently made more cards to extend the game. Get a list of famous people...

Painting at home, with children.
Painting with children at home is going to look very different to the Playcentre, kindy or school experience. But I think it's such an...

Children who LOVE to write
I was a child who loved to write. I made up hundreds of stories in my head, and some of them actually made it down on paper. I loved...

What Are Life Skills and Why Are They Important?
What are life skills? Apparently: "life skill - noun - plural noun: life skills a skill that is necessary or desirable for full...

Self-directed delightful interludes
Here's a beautiful moment my 3 year old was having when we were taking a leisurely walk together with none of his siblings. We were...